The events of the day inspired me to become a court reporter

I always wanted to be in the legal field. Being a court reporter landed me smack in the middle and gave me an opportunity to learn all aspects of the legal field while earning a living. I love being a court reporter. It has made me a jack of all trades. I’ve learned things I never could have imagined. I like working with people.

We provide excellence and professionalism in every transaction. Remote depositions, videotaped depositions, excellent transcription to video synchronization, interpreting, and translation services. Our company differs because it is small but able to handle volumes of work. There is no automated answering machine. You will speak with an actual person. We are Registered Professional Reporters (RPR), Florida Professional Reporters (FPR), Georgia Certified Court Reporter (CCR), Certified Live Reporters (CLR) and the company is a member of the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE).

I give you personal attention

25+ Years Experience

Certified Court Reporter

Quality Reporting


Client Testimonials

"Professionally myocardinate bleeding-edge "outside the box" thinking before resource maximizing networks. Appropriately fashion state of the art niche markets via premier systems. Progressively incentivize interoperable catalysts for change before tactical web services. Conveniently facilitate timely outsourcing before stand-alone information"

Jeff Hardy

"Professionally disseminate excellent synergy after e-business process improvements. Enthusiastically scale premium methods of empowerment after inexpensive data. Globally integrate magnetic testing procedures via flexible leadership skills. Interactively mesh standards compliant intellectual capital without timely collaboration and idea-sharing"

Rhonda Biel